The use of Safety Beams on all installa2ons is recommended.
To prevent accidents, Safety Beams must be used when enabling Auto Close.
The controller automa2cally detects when Safety Beams are connected and holds these in memory. If the
beams are removed and not replaced, it is necessary to run a Reset Beams (see below). This func2on will
detect the beams are missing and remove them from memory. If this is not done, they will remain in
memory and the controller will believe there to be “faulty” beams in place.
Beams Auto Close
This feature closes the gate automa2cally as soon as an object has passed through the beams.
Beams AC Time
This feature extends the delay aLer an object has passed through the beams un2l the gate closes. The
delay can be extended from 1 to 3600 seconds.
Beams AC Reverse
Only op2onal if Beams Auto Close is ac2ve. If Beams AC Reverse is enabled, the gate will slowly reverse
back to the open posi2on if it was closing when the beams are blocked. If disabled, the gate will only
reverse back the programmed Back Off Distance.
With this func2on enabled the Closing Beam will func2on as both Opening and Closing Safety Beams.
Close IR Reverse
If Close IR Reverse is enabled, the gate will reverse back to the fully open posi2on if the Closing Safety
Beam is blocked while the gate is closing. If it is disabled, the gate will only reverse back the programmed
Back Off Distance (see below).
Open IR Reverse
If Open IR Reverse is enabled, the gate will reverse back to the fully closed posi2on if the Opening Safety
Beam is blocked while the gate is opening. If it is disabled, the gate will only reverse back the pro-
grammed Back Off Distance (see below).
Back Off Distance
This func2on allows for the se?ng of a back off run distance of between 0.06 - 3m. See Open & Close IR
Reverse above.
Self Test Mode
If enabled, the controller will test the Safety Beams before closing the gate. This prevents accidental
closure of the gate on an object should the beams be faulty.
Only compable with DuraOpcs Wireless Safety Beams (with dipswitch sengs).
Test Beam
When enabled, the controller will run a test on the Safety Beams to see if they are func2oning properly.
Only compable with DuraOpcs Wireless Safety Beams (with dipswitch sengs)
Reset Beams
The controller automa2cally detects when beams are connected to the system. Once detected, the
beams cannot be disabled unless the Reset Beams func2on is ac2vated
Note the following func&ons on the TRITEK menu
To get help on any of the onboard func2ons, move the cursor to the specific icon for which more
informa2on is required. If the cursor is leL standing on the same icon for more than six seconds, a help
screen will automa2cally appear. To exit the help screen move the cursor again.
The undo func2on will restore all the se?ngs of the controller to six hours prior. This is useful if se?ngs
were changed but it is necessary to revert back to the original se?ngs.
: All changes made in the last
six hours will revert back and not just the last item that was changed!