The Safety Beams are blocked or faulty.
Remove anything that may be obstruc2ng the beams.
Look on the controller to see what beam input is ac2ve. Check that the beam connected
to this input is func2oning correctly.
Check the beam wiring for corrosion and that the wiring is 2ght.
Check for insects inside the beam housing.
If the beams are wireless, check the baGeries.
Make sure the beams do not exceed their maximum opera2ng range.
Check that the beams are not being affected by sunlight. This usually occurs in early
morning or late aLernoon if the sun shines directly into the Receiver beam. Some makes
of beams, other than DACE, can be affected by fluorescent lights.
If you have mul2ple beams, make sure they are not cross talking i.e. the receiver from the
one set is receiving the signal from two transmiGer beams. TransmiGer beams may affect
adjacent receiver beams if they are not spaced far enough apart. Interference can be
checked by blocking one transmiGer and seeing if its receiver is s2ll being triggered.
A set of beams may have been removed and ‘Reset Beams’ has not been ac2vated on the
Beam Se?ngs menu. For safety reasons, the controller will never remove beams
previously detected without running this feature first.
The controller has been placed into Holiday Lockout mode.
If the LED for the LCK/STP input on the controller is ac2ve, check any inputs unknowingly
ac2va2ng this func2on e.g. a keyswitch, a keypad etc.
If the LED for the LCK/STP input is not ac2ve then disable Holiday Lockout on a remote by
pressing selected buGon/s
Holiday Lockout might be ac2vated from Time Manager. Clear the ac2ve 2me slot in Time
Try ac2va2ng the input device, keypad or keyswitch, and deac2vate it again.
The controller has detected that the main motor fuse is blown.
Check to see if blown and replace this with an equivalent 20A fuse.
Check that the fuse contacts are free from carbon build up.
Check that the fuse fits 2ghtly in the fuse holder
The controller has detected that an H-Bridge fault has occurred. An H-bridge fault may occur for
various reasons such as the gate being stuck in the open or closed posi2ons.
Ensure that the gate moves freely if disengaged.
Check that the baGery is charged (Info Screen), the baGery voltage should be above 12V.
Check that the motor wires are connected properly and making proper contact.
If this fault persists the controller might need to be repaired by a DACE repair centre.
The controller has detected that the electric motor is disconnected.
Check that the motor wires are connected properly and making proper contact.
Check for any carbon build up on the motor wire pins.
Disconnect the motor and try running the motor by touching the motor wires directly to the
If it is an old motor, the motor brushes might be wearing out.
The controller has detected that the mains power is not connected.
Make sure the mains supply is on and that the transformer plug point is on.
Make sure the transformer is connected to the controller properly and all wiring is 2ght.
Check that there is mains at the transformer and that the transformer output is giving out
more than 16V AC for a 12V system and 22V AC for a 24V system
PARTY MODE The controller has been placed into Party Mode with a remote.
Press the remote buGon that has been allocated to the Party Mode func2on, to deac2vate
Party Mode.
Press the remote trigger buGon twice within 4 seconds to take the operator out of Party
Deselect Party Mode from the Auto Close menu.
Time Manager has denied an ac2on from a remote. To enable this ac2on, clear the 2me period
affec2ng this ac2on in Time Manager.