An-Li( Device
Prevents the gate from being liLed off the gate rail.
Auto Close
The automa2c closure of the gate, not requiring a trigger input.
Refers to either a 12V or 24V baGery that powers the gate operator.
Beams Auto Close
The immediate closing of the gate aLer a vehicle or pedestrian has passed through the
Safety Beams, stopping the gate from running to the fully open posi2on unnecessarily.
Catch Bracket
A loca2ng bracket, mounted to the gate post, that holds the gate securely when in the
closed posi2on. It can be used as part of an an2 liL system or to lock the gate with a
padlock when not in opera2on.
Collision Sensing
The controller soLware responding to changes in current draw and operator run speed
as a result of the gate hi?ng an obstruc2on.
Condo Mode
Short for Condominium. See Mul2 User Mode
The circuit board containing the electronic components and soLware that controls the
gate operator.
End Stop
A metal device on the gate rail, used to prevent the gate from running off the gate rail in
both the open and closed posi2ons.
Foundaon Plate
The steel plate used to anchor the operator to a concrete slab.
Infrared Beams:
See Safety Beams
Allows for two way communica2on between the gate and the house.
The physical device used to navigate the menu on the controller.
LCD Screen
The graphics screen display on the controller.
Loop Detector
Detects when a vehicle drives over it to trigger the gate open (or closed).
The controller has detected an encoder fault.
Ensure that the controller is si?ng properly on the controller base.
If a Tritek controller is being used on a older DACE product i.e. not an Ul2ma, check that the
encoder is plugged in correctly.
The beams Self Test func2on is ac2ve on the controller and has detected that the opening safety
beam is not func2oning correctly.
Ensure the beams are compa2ble with the Self Test func2on. Only DACE compa2ble beams
can be used with this func2on.
Ensure the opening safety beams are powered up correctly
Check that the opening safety beams are not blocked.
If there are mul2ple beams in place, make sure there is no crosstalk between the different
sets of beams.
The beams Self Test func2on is ac2ve on the controller and has detected that the closing safety
beam is not func2oning correctly.
Ensure the beams are compa2ble with the Self Test func2on. Only DACE compa2ble beams
can be used with this func2on.
Ensure the closing safety beams are powered up correctly
Check that the closing safety beams are not blocked.
If there are mul2ple beams in place, make sure there is no crosstalk between the different sets
of beams