1. Rest the rack on the pinion with the end of the rack and the end of the gate aligned. Having the gate slightly
open will allow access to the first slot on the rack.
2. Clamp the opposite end of the rack to the gate.
3. Using a spirit level, ensure the rack is level.
4. Fasten the rack to the gate with the self drilling TEK screws through the slots in the rack.
5. To aGach addi2onal rack, slide the gate open and repeat the above procedures.
6. ALer the rack has been aGached, use the Height Adjustment Nuts on the founda2on plate for fine adjust-
Drill the TEK Screws
through the available
DO NOT automate a gate without end stops
welded in posi2on on both ends of the gate rail.
These are used during the programming of the
limits and are also required for safety reasons.
“End Stop”
welded in posi&on