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Series 58000 Instruction Manual (Rev.1)
As alternative, it is suggested to prewarm at lower temperature, say, 26-27°C which, after all, is
not worse than a hot Summer day, and then apply local heating.
Once the animal is restrained in its harness, apply on the protruding tail the heat source, which
can be an infrared bulb, a heating blanket or both.
Care should be taken to avoid overheating which may cause the animal a severe discomfort and
consequent struggling, etc. A warm jacket-tube in which the tail is inserted has proven to be
Bear in mind that the vasodilation which makes the pulse “audible” to the transducer is a thresh-
old process. In particular, when the local heating method is followed, the pulse may be totally
missing at the “TEST interrogation” and pops out loud and clear twenty seconds later.
Once a satisfactory vasodilation is achieved, the heat source can be removed or reduced. A
minimum of practice (and persistence!) will overcome all problems.
According to our knowledge, every researcher using the BP Recorder has perfected the tech-
nique, adding each his/her personal touch to optimize technique for lab or application.
Restraining the Rodent
Basically, rats and mice are placed into suitable harnesses from which the tail protrudes. The rat
and mouse holders available on the market or already in use at your laboratory may prove to be
Our models, being purposefully designed for this task, are particularly suitable, see 13.3-
Available Holders and Figure 7 “Rat Holder”.
Conditioning the Rodent
Some research workers think advisable to carry out some kind of “conditioning”, before starting
the blood pressure measurement.
In other words, the animals should be kept 3-4 minutes in the restrained conditions, their tails fit-
ted with cuff and transducer, better if the exercise is repeated 2-3 times a day. It is obvious they
will behave in a more relaxed way, in particular from the cardio-vascular perspective, when the
“real thing” will eventually take place!
Operate with patience and remember that more patience and longer familiarization time are re-
quired when handling mice. These small creatures seem to be constantly in motion, twisting and
turning, particularly when you confront them with a fresh mouse holder.