NINA-B50 series - Hardware integration manual
UBX-22021116 - R02
Open CPU software
Page 32 of 57
Open CPU software
NINA-B50 series modules are used as open CPU modules in which applications developed with the
NXP MCUXpresso SDK can be run. The most recent application development guidelines are found at
the MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual
. These following sections in this chapter provide
details about MCUXpresso SDK, MCUXpresso IDE, and the K32W1480 in NINA-B50.
MCUXpresso SDK
The NXP MCUXpresso SDK includes a broad selection of drivers and libraries that provide a rich
development environment for a broad range of devices and applications. The SDK is delivered in zip
container file for easy installation.
The SDK comes with support for the MCUXpresso IDE and IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM.
Getting started with the MCUXpresso SDK
When working with the MCUXpresso SDK on the NINA-B50 series module, follow the steps below to
get started with the MCUXpresso SDK toolchain and examples:
Download and extract the MCUXpresso SDK from the
Download and install the latest
Every time MCUXpresso IDE launches, it prompts the user to select a workspace location. The
location of the workspace can be anywhere, but it is recommended that the workspace be located
outside of the MCUXpresso SDK tree.
When installing the SDK, be sure not to include any space characters in the file path. Keep the
folder structure intact. The examples in the SDK use relative folder references.
Drag and drop the SDK zip file into the Installed SDKs view to install an SDK. In the window that
appears, click OK and wait until the import has finished.
Figure 13: Installed SDK
NXP Community forum
For support on questions related to the development of software using the MCUXpresso SDK, check
out the
Create a custom board support file for MCUXpresso SDK
The predefined hardware boards included in the MCUXpresso SDK are for NXP development boards
only. To add support for a custom board, create a support file with board Macro definitions on the
following path: