Never mix the coolants of different grades. If the level of
special fluid in the system has dropped and fluid of the same
grade is not available, top up the system with clean soft rainy,
snow or boiled water.
Bear in mind that the freezing point of the antifreeze diluted
with water is higher. Fill the system with antifreeze of appropri-
ate grade at the first opportunity.
If the special coolant is not available, it is permissible to
use clean soft water. In this case, at the ambient temperature
below 0
°C proceed as follows:
- disconnect the hose from the expansion tank and lower it
to carry off steam from the radiator;
- when parking, drain coolant from the engine cooling
system and heating system.
Keeping the coolant temperature in a range of 80 to 90 °C
during operation of the automobile considerably decreases wear
of the engine and cuts down fuel consumption. The recom-
mended temperature is maintained by means of an automati-
Fig. 36. Cooling System Diagram:
1 -heater radiator; 2 -heater cock; 3 -cylinder block head; 4 - gasket; 5 -coolant
channels between cylinders; 6 -two-valves thermostat; 7 -coolant temperature
gauge transmitter; 8 -outlet pipe; 9 -filler neck; 10 -shutters; 11 -filler cap; 12 -
expansion tank; 13 - MINIMUM level mark; 14 -thermostat body;15 - pump;
16 -impeller; 17 -connection; 18 -fan; 19 -radiator; 20 -radiator drain cock;
21 -intake pipe; 22 -cylinder block; 23 -cylinder block drain cock