The automobile is equipped with the four-cylinder engine
with upper valve arrangement which is shown in Fig. 20, 21.
Check and, if required, tighten the engine mounting (Fig.22).
Tighten the engine mounting bolt nuts until distance sleeves
touch the washers.
Tighten the cylinder head fastening nuts after completion of
the automobile running-in period and every 1 000 km of run
each time when removing the cylinder head.
Tighten the nuts only on a cold engine. Tighten the nuts in
two steps in the sequence illustrated in Fig. 23: the first step -
Fig. 20. Engine
(l.h. view):
1 -fine fuel filter; 2 -oil
filler cap ; 3 - oil dip-
stick; 4 -rocker arm
cover; 5 -cylinder head;
6 -ignition-distributor;
7 -starter; 8 -clutch
housing; 9 -clutch hous-
ing (lower part); 10 -
fuel pump; 11 -engine
mounting bracket
Fig. 21. Engine
(r.h. view):
1 -cylinder block drain
cock; 2 -cylinder block;
3 -inlet manifold; 4 -
inlet manifold damper;
5 -inlet manifold; 6 -
carburettor; 7 -alterna-
tor; 8 -oil pressure trans-
mitter; 9 -low oil pres-
sure warning lamp trans-
mitter; 10 -oil filter;
11 -oil sump drain plug