pack with fresh grease, making sure grease does not get on the
drum and friction linings. When disassembling the parking brake
mechanism, clean the brake shoes of dust and dirt and also check
the friction linings for proper condition. Replace the shoes or
linings, if the rivets are flush-mounted on a depth less than 0.5 mm.
Complete braking of the automobile should be insured when
the pawl of the parking brake lever is in the third or fourth notch
of the sector (3-4 clicks).
Do not allowed
to check the parking brake for proper
condition when starting away from rest or with automobile in
motion. Check the parking brake only on a downhill.
Increased travel of the parking brake lever in the service
period may be caused either by large clearance between the
brake shoes and drum (in which case, adjust this clearance) or
by an excessive free play in the control linkage (in which case,
adjust the length of the control rod).
To adjust the brake shoe-to-drum clearance, turn in the
screw 7 (Fig. 73) on the brake anchor plate, and then turn out
the screw against the stop through 4-6 clicks (1/3-1/2 of a turn)
until the drum is free to rotate.
Adjust the length of control rod in the following sequence:
1. Shift the lever to the extreme forward position.
2. Screw off lock nut of adjusting fork 1, uncotter and take
out the pin securing fork to control lever.
3. Rotate the adjusting fork to take up all plays in the control
4. Give the adjusting fork 1.5-2 turns out, align the holes in
the fork and lever, insert and cotter the pin and tighten the lock
See wiring diagrams of automobiles in Appendix 4.
Maintenance of the Alternator
The automobiles could be provided with the alternator with a
built-in rectifier operating in conjunction with a voltage regu-
lator.The automobiles could be equipped with alternators of
two types:
- 665.3701-01 or 161.3771 - with brush assembly;
- Ã700À.30 èëè 957.3701-10 - without brushes.