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Macro 1:
Turns on the red LEDs sequentially from 1 to 15/16
Macro 2:
Turns on the blue LEDs with 100% brightness, sequentially
from 1 to 15/16 with 500ms delays
Macro 3:
Switches off all the red LEDs
Macro 4:
Switches off all the blue LEDs
Macro 5:
Toggles Demo Mode on or off
Macro 6:
A combination of blue LED and relay functions
Click on the
mark on the Macro button to edit the commands for
the macro sequence. Use up/down arrows
to move the
commands up or down in the sequence. To edit existing commands
. To delete commands use
. Please note: this function will
immediately remove the command as soon as this button is pushed.
If the command was unintentionally removed, use the
to backup.
There are two types of commands: (SysCMD) are internal to the controller,
these change internal functions such as LED logic; (Telnet) and (Relay) are
output commands that are used to control external equipment, these are
sent out from the controller through the Ethernet connection and relays.