Sharp edges, sharp corners and thin sheet metal
Danger of injury from sharp edges, sharp cor-
ners and thin sheet metal parts!
Sharp edges, sharp corners and thin sheet metal
parts of the heat exchanger or of the cooling or
heating coil may cause cuts or grazes.
Be careful when working on these components.
Wear protective gloves, safety shoes and a hard
Risk of harm to the environment due to incorrect
disposal of goods and packaging!
Incorrect disposal can harm the environment.
Have electronic waste, electronic components
and operating fluids (refrigerant, compressor oil,
lubricants etc.) disposed of by an approved spe-
cialist disposal company.
7.2 Disassembly
HVAC technician
Protective equipment:
Industrial safety helmet
Protective clothing
Protective gloves
Safety shoes
Disconnect electrical cables.
Ensure that no voltage is present.
Remove all operating fluids.
Properly dispose of all operating fluids.
Disconnect operating fluid pipes and hoses.
Open all module connectors and base frame con-
Remove the individual unit components.
Use suitable transport equipment to move unit
components away from the site.
7.3 Disposal
If no return or disposal agreement is in place, any disas-
sembled components should be disposed of by an
approved specialist disposal company.
Components that are no longer required should be recy-
Scrap the metals.
Take plastic parts to be recycled.
Dispose of other components and waste in a suit-
able manner, i.e. depending on their material prop-
Electrical and electronic components
Electrical and electronic components can contain mate-
rials and substances that are hazardous to health and
the environment and which must not get into household
and commercial waste.
As electrical and electronic components may also con-
tain recyclables (e.g. precious metals), they must be
provided for recycling or disposal by a specialist dis-
posal company.
Chemicals (solvents, cleaning agents, operating fluids,
etc.) affect the air, soil, water, and human health in var-
ious ways. In some cases, valuable substances can be
extracted from them.
Chemicals must therefore not get into the air, soil, sew-
erage system, surface water or groundwater.
Commission an approved specialist disposal company
to recover or dispose of chemicals.
Removal and disposal
Air handling unit X-CUBE