MicronNav System
© Tritech International Ltd.
This completes the job setup for a Fixed Platform/Dockside, click on the Save and Exit button
to confirm the setup and close the Job Setup window.
4.1.8. Applying a Geodetic Datum Shift to the reference co-ordinates
1. In Seanet Pro, open the ‘Edit Job’ page by clicking on MicronNav in the program menu
and selecting Job - Edit Job.
2. If a Job has not already been created, follow the section in the MicronNav Operators
manual that describes how to create this. This procedure describes how to amend such
a job to apply a datum shift to reference Platform co-ordinates, e.g. if Platform is ‘Mobile’
then these co-ordinates will be the incoming GPS position data.
3. For a Mobile Platform, click on the ‘Have GPS’ tick-box and then configure the incoming
GPS message type in the ‘GPS’ panel.