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J-Series Data Radio – User Manual
Part D – Features
When encryption is enabled in a network, all data sent over the air
is protected from eavesdropping and can only be read by radios
sharing the same Encryption Key.
Encryption must be enabled in each radio in a network. The
encryption key is 256 bits long and is entered as string or a
hexadecimal number. For maximum security the key chosen
should be one that is difficult for an intruder to guess.
Once written into the radio using the programmer, it is not possible
to read the encryption key so care must be taken to record the key
in a safe place.
Encryption Key : String
For a string type of key, use up to a maximum of 32 printable
characters. Please note that the key is case sensitive.
Some examples are:
Murray River Region
Encryption Key : Hexadecimal Number
Hexadecimal numbers can have a value of 0 to 15 and are
represented by 0-9 and A, B, C, D, E or F
A hexadecimal key begins with 0x and has up to 64 digits following
Some examples are:
0x11111111222222223333333344444444 up to 64 digits