TX7410 Operation Manual
Stop Bits
1 Bit
Parity Bit
End of Sequence NL (ASCII Code 10)
Software Protocol
The controller sends the command using the ASCII code with NL as the end
character. TX7410 executes the command after the end character NL is received.
The character received by TX7410 will be sent back to the controller again. The
controller will not send the next character until the last return character is
received correctively from TX7410 . If the controller cannot receive the character
sent back by TX7410 , the reasons may be as follows.
The serial interface is not connected correctly.
Check if the RS232 function is turned on and TALK ONLY function is
turned off.
When TX7410 is executing a bus command, TX7410 will not accept any
character through the serial interface at the same time and the
character sent by controller will be ignored. In order to make sure the
whole command is sent and received correctly, the character without a
return character should be sent again by the controller.
TX7410 sends information under following two conditions. The first is when a
character is received normally; TX7410 will send the character back as response.
The second is when a query command is received; TX7410 will send the query
response information.
Once a query command is received, TX7410 will send the query response
information immediately even if the whole command has not been executed. So if
the command includes two queries, the controller should read the query
responses twice. One query is recommended to be included in a single command.
A query response is sent out in ASCII codes with NL as the terminal character.
Several query responses will be sent continuously with 1ms interval. The
controller should be ready to receive the responses; otherwise the response
information will be lost.
The controller should receive the query response terminal character NL.
Otherwise you will confuse a terminal character NL with a returned character. At
the same time the controller should receive the last returned character before
receiving a query response.