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The M100LFG-TT-A is a computer-controlled, Ultra-Violet Laser Wire and Cable Marker
and Processor. The system marks the wire pulled from a spool then cuts and coils it to specified
lengths. Precise heavy-duty pulling mechanism consists of two working in sync stepping motors
and pneumatic cutter. The cut wire exits the machine and is automatically coiled for easy handling.
XY scanning beam technology allows marking with different fonts, sizes, orientations and print
densities. Standard software package has number of fonts for English language, barcode 3 of 9 and
some other symbols. Special symbols and foreign languages may be supported per user request.
The M100LFG-TT-A is fully programmable. The program routines include set up and
adjustments of pulling and cutting processes, laser and scanner parameters, marking patterns, etc.
When malfunctions occur, the process stops automatically and specified error message appears
on the screen.
A marking task consists of entering message, separate space between the messages and
cutting length for each wire, and also selecting a font, size and print density. The task is loaded
to a dedicated computer from keyboard, CD, memory stick, or through the Local Area Network.
Then it can be stored in the system memory and accessed any time needed.
These features enable the M100LFG-TT-A to automatically mark large batches of wires
for mass production. They also enable cost-effective production for individual harnesses without
expensive machine changes between kits.