Factory-Mounted Unit Options
Circuit Breaker (FIYUCB) & Unit
Disconnect (FIYUDC)
All phases of this installation must comply
CODES. In addition to local codes, the
installation must comply with National
Electric Code - ANSI/NFPA NO. 70 LATEST
Field connections are made by first removing all
access panels on the front of the unit. Unscrew the
assembly around the outside of the disconnect switch
or circuit breaker. This assembly is located between
the evaporator and heat section of the unit (
Figure 20,
p. 26
For downflow configurations, the hole in the base
section is for both high and low voltage power wiring
on down flow units. Horizontal units will route through
the front plate located directly under the circuit breaker
or disconnect panel. The hole is sized for 1 1/2" conduit.
Horizontal units will use the front plate located directly
under the circuit breaker panel.
2. If the conduit required for your application is larger,
remove the termination plate and connect to the larger
hole using field supplied reducing washers.
3. Route the power wires and ground conductor through
conduit and into the bottom of the factory installed
disconnect switch or circuit breaker. Connect the
power conductors to the lugs provided. Connect the
ground wire to the unit ground lug.
Wire size for the length of run should be
determined using the circuit ampacity found on
the unit nameplate and the N.E.C.
4. Route low voltage (class II), control wiring through
hole in base of unit but not through high voltage
conduit. Feed control wiring through bushing provided
on side panel and into the flexible conduit provided in
the heat section of the unit (
Figure 20
). Route wires
through loose wire ties provided in unit as in
Figure 20
5. Tighten the wire ties. Secure the excess wire bundle
under the wire ties in the outdoor section. Do not leave
excess wire in the electrical enclosure. Use the unit
wiring diagram to make the low voltage connections.
Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects and discharge all motor start/run
capacitors before servicing. Follow proper lockout/
tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot be
inadvertently energized. Verify with an appropriate
voltmeter that all capacitors have discharged. Failure to
disconnect power and discharge capacitors before
servicing could result in death or serious injury.
For additional information regarding the safe discharge
of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN
Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified
personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field
wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To
avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for
field wiring installation and grounding as described in
NEC and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to
follow code could result in death or serious injury.
Figure 20.
Main power entrance for units with factory
mounted disconnect or circuit breaker
Wire Ties