2. To switch current sub-window to another camera, right-click on the sub-screen, and then
choose the preferred playback camera.
5.9.2 Digital Zoom at sub-screen
1. Right-click on sub-screen, and then check
Digital Zoom
2. Move mouse cursor to the position where you want to do digital zoom.
3. Move mouse wheel forward to zoom in the image.
4. Move mouse wheel backward to zoom out the image.
5. Press and click to drag the image at sub-screen to the position where you needed.
6. To cancel digital zoom mode, click mouse right button and un-check the Digital Zoom.
5.9.3 Switch to Full screen
1. Right-click and check Full screen on popup menu to switch Full screen mode.
2. Click “Esc” button or un-check “Full screen” on popup menu to return normal display mode.
5.9.4 Snapshot of sub-screen
1. Right-click and choose Snapshot on popup menu.
2. Configure the image by Snapshot dialog.
3. Click Save button and choose the folder which you want to save the snapshot.