Establishing an Internet Connection
Connecting the Magnia SG20 to the Internet
When you have finished entering the information, click
A confirmation screen showing your current settings appears.
Sample Connection settings screen
If these settings are correct, click
Once configured for dial-up phone access, the Magnia SG20 will dial your ISP and
connect to the Internet whenever any client computer connected to it (and properly
configured) attempts to access the Internet. This can happen when a client computer
accesses a Web site, checks email, accesses an FTP site, or runs a program that
attempts to access the Internet (such as RealNetworks
Once the Magnia SG20 connects to the Internet using a dial-up service, it will typically
remain connected for 20 minutes after the last Internet access. If you wish to disconnect
the phone sooner than this, you can do so manually. For more information, see
Configuring for cable-based Internet service
As digital cable service becomes more widely available, Internet access using a cable
modem is becoming increasingly widespread. This method can provide always
connected and extremely fast (broadband) access to the Internet. You can connect the
Magnia SG20 to a cable modem using its public Ethernet port. When configuring your
Magnia SG20 for a cable-based Internet connection, you will need information such as:
Whether your ISP (cable company) has provided a specific IP address (static IP), or
whether your Magnia SG20 will obtain a new IP address each time it connects
If you don’t know, use DHCP or call your ISP.
If your ISP has given you a static IP, you will also need the following information:
IP address
NOTE: Your configuration changes are not made permanent until you click Finish.