If Something Goes Wrong
If you need further assistance
Email problems
I can receive emails but I cannot send
Check with your ISP. With some ISPs you need to ask them to open SMTP port (PORT
25) for you (for example, AT&T).
Remove information for SMTP from Remote Admin/System tab/E-mail and click
By doing so, your Magnia SG20 becomes the primary server for sending emails. This
technique works in many environments and ISPs. However, some ISPs will block SMTP
traffic. Check with your ISP if you have problems using this configuration.
Check with your ISP and ask them for their Mail Server SMTP information; enter that
address in your Server / e-mail / SMTP configuration and click
. This should fix the
problem. For example, if EarthLink is your ISP, you might enter
for your
SMTP configuration and click
When I send emails to outside recipients, they are returned with the error message “550
User Unknown” or “553 User Unknown.”
Check the email address of the recipient and verify it is typed correctly.
From your Exchange or Netscape Messenger click “Send/Receive” once and then
attempt to resend the mail. Some domain hosting services require that you log in using
POP3 (Receive) before sending email.
I can send mail but I cannot receive emails
Check and verify you have entered correct User Name and Password. Go to Remote
Admin/System/Users, click the user who is not able to receive emails, “Verify ISP E-mail
Acct” and “Password” fields. Try reentering the User account and Password.
If you need further assistance
If you have followed the recommendations in this chapter and are still having problems,
you may need additional technical assistance. This section contains the steps to take to
ask for help.
Remote monitoring and maintenance
This is a subscription service from Toshiba in which qualified Toshiba personnel will
assist you with the administration of your Magnia SG20. Toshiba will also monitor the
health of your Magnia SG20 as part of this service.