If Something Goes Wrong
Problems when you turn on a client computer
Unplug the Magnia SG20 and plug it back in again.
One or more clients configured for DHCP cannot access the Magnia SG20. Such clients
might include a PC, a PocketPC device, or a TurtleBeach AudioTron.
Since the DHCP server on the Magnia SG20 was just restarted, some clients may not
know it's time to request a new IP address. To resolve this issue, wait until the appliance
server is fully booted, then reboot any client device that is not able to communicate with
the appliance server. For the Audiotron, use the power switch in the back of the unit.
Problems when you turn on a client computer
A client computer reports that it has found a new hardware device.
You need to run the Client Setup Wizard to configure your client computer to work with
the Magnia SG20. Insert the Magnia SG20 Setup CD and see
computer using the seven LAN ports
A client computer reports that it cannot acquire a DHCP address.
The Magnia SG20 may be turned off. It must be turned on and finished warming up
before you turn on a client computer. You should check to see if the Magnia SG20 is
powered on.
Check your cables between the client machine and the Magnia SG20. Make sure the
client machine is connected to one of the seven local network ports. (Remember that the
eighth port is for expansion and cannot be connected directly to a client machine without
a cross-over cable).
If you have changed the local network IP address range and subnet mask through the
advanced networking feature, verify the size of the IP range and the number of
connected client devices. The Magnia SG20 reserves a certain number of IP addresses
for internal use. As a result, you may run out of available IP addresses faster than you
might think. To test this, try disconnecting or releasing the IP for another client, and then
have the first client attempt to acquire an IP address.
A client computer reports that it cannot connect to a drive that is shared from the Magnia
The user name and password used to login to the client machine might be invalid for the
Magnia SG20 local network login. (If a successful login with a user name and password
was not achieved on the client machine, then the server’s local network cannot be
accessed.) Check that the user name and password used to login to the client machine
match a user account on the Magnia SG20.
If the user name is not listed on the Administration Web site’s Users page (which is under
the System tab), then you may wish to run the Client Setup Wizard to configure your