Using your Digital Central Intranet site
Creating your own photo albums
Creating your own photo albums
Digital Central is capable of organizing and displaying your digital photos and digital
videos. The advantage of using your Magnia SG20 for storing pictures in a central
location is that the pictures are now available to all computers and compatible Pocket PC
devices connected to your network. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) software, enables
you to share your electronic pictures to remote computers through the Internet.
The photo and digital video album is compatible with Toshiba digital cameras (and most
other digital cameras, provided the pictures can be converted to .jpeg/.jpg format). The
process of placing pictures on the Magnia SG20 is simple. You copy images to the photo
album in the same way as you copy images from your digital camera onto your personal
computer. Simply copy or transfer the folder containing the images from your computer to
a specific folder on your Magnia SG20. Once there, the images automatically appear on
your Digital Central site and are available to your entire network.
This section explains how to:
Add photos to the Digital Central photo album
View photo albums
Change the name of photo albums
Remove individual photos and complete photo albums
Add/remove digital videos
View digital videos
Adding photos to the Digital Central photo album
Before you can add digital photos to your Magnia SG20, the photos (.jpeg/.jpg format
only) must exist either on a personal computer that is connected to the Magnia SG20 or
on a digital camera that has the capability to copy its photos to a mapped drive on your
personal computer. Both of these methods are illustrated below:
Photos on personal computer transferred to Magnia SG20
Photos transferred from digital camera to personal computer, then transferred to Magnia SG20