Q7 Installation and Operation Manual
About This Manual, 1
Accel/Decel Display Resolution, 46
Accel/Decel Selection, 28
Alarms, 145
AM, 19, 21
AM Output, 35
AM Terminal Assignment, 47
AM, FM, FP, and Analog 1&2 settings, 48
AM/FM, 40
ASD Capacity, 13
ASD Control, 23
ASD Load, 35
ASD Overload Ratio, 35
At-trip Recorded Parameters, 151
Autotuning Err, 147
Bezel Mounting Dimensions, 31
Bezel Mounting Hardware, 29
Cable/Terminal Specifications, 159
CC, 19, 21
CE Compliance Requirements, 10
change direction, 32
Circuit breaker configuration, 15
Circuit Breaker Rating, 159
Clearing a Trip, 151
CM1, 145
CM2, 145
CN7 Pinout, 24
CNU1 and CNU2 Pinout, 24
CNU2 Pinout, 24
CNU3 Pinout, 24
Comm Error, 148
Comm. Settings, 39
Commercial Power Wait Time, 56
Common Serial (TTL), 23
Communications Numbers, 134
concerns about this publication, 1
Conductor Requirements, 5
Conduit Box (option), 158
Conduit Box and Cover, 158
Conduit Box Information, 158
Conduit Plate, 158
Conduit Plate 54086, 157
Conduit Plate 55295, 153
Conduit Plate 55361, 154
Conduit Plate 55547, 155
Conduit Plate Information, 152
Conduit Plates 49900 and 49648, 156
Connecting the ASD, 16
Connection Diagram, 26
contact Toshiba, 2
Control Board, 23
Control Terminal Strip, 19, 22
CPU Error, 148
Ctrl EEPROM Err, 148
Ctrl Undervolts, 148
Current/Voltage Specifications, 162
Customer Support Center, 2
Damper Command, 21
DBR Overcurrent, 148
DBR Overload, 148
DC Voltage, 35
Default Setting Changes, 32
default setting changes, 33
Default Term. Setting, 19
Direction, 35
Discrete Input, 19
Discrete Output, 19
Disposal, 4
Drive Characteristics, 13
EEPROM Write Err, 148
EMG, 145
Enclosure Dimensions, 152
Enclosure Dimensions/Weight, 153
Enclosure Size 1, 153
Enclosure Size 2, 154
Enclosure Size 3, 155
Enclosure Size 4, 156
Enclosure Size 5, 157