Q7 Installation and Operation Manual
Motor Braking, 13
Motor Characteristics, 12
Motor connection diagram, 17
Motor Load, 35
Motor Overload, 149
Motor Overload Ratio, 35
Motor Settings, 40
Mounting Requirements, 5
Mounting the ASD, 16
MS1 AUX, 14
OC, 145
OH, 145
OJ, 145
OLI, 146
OLM, 146
OLR, 146
OP, 146
Operation (Local), 32
Operational and Maintenance Precautions, 8
Option PCB Error, 149
OT, 146
Out(put) Phase Loss, 149
OUT1, 19, 21
OUT2, 19, 21
Output Current, 35
Output Frequency Screen, 34
Output Power, 35
Output Terminal Assignments, 133
Output terminal selections, 48
Output Terminals, 35, 37
Output Voltage, 35
Overcurrent Acc, 149
Overcurrent Dec, 149
Over-current Protection, 13
Overcurrent Run, 149
Overcurrent Stall, 83
Overheat, 149
Overload Protection, 12
Overtorque, 150
Overvolt Accel, 150
Overvolt Decel, 150
Overvolt Run, 150
Overvoltage Stall Level, 84
P24, 19, 21
PA, 17
Panel Control, 36
Panel Menu, 28
Part Numbering Convention, 152
Past Trip #1, 35
Past Trip #2, 35
Past Trip #3, 35
Past Trip #4, 35
Peak Current, 35
Personnel Protection, 7
phase-shifting transformer, 17
PID Control, 28
PID Feedback, 35
PID Setup, 41
PO, 17
POFF, 146
Positional Err, 150
Post Compensation Frequency, 35
Power Connections, 5, 17
Power Factor Correction, 12
PP, 19, 21
Preset Speeds, 38
Program Menu, 34
Protection, 6, 38
PtSt, 146
Pulse Width Modulation, 12
R, 19, 20
RAM Err, 150
Ramped PWM, 28
Read/Write Key, 27
Remote Keypad Required Hardware, 29
Remote mode, 27
RES, 19, 20
Reset Selection, 28
ROM Err, 150
Root Menus, 34
RR, 19, 20
RR Input, 35
RS232, 23
RS485, 23
Run Key, 27
Run Mode|Manual/Auto Key, 27
Run Time, 35
RX, 19, 20
RX Input, 35
RX2 Input, 35