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(2) CS900 Type
When this method is selected, each time 1 data is sent from the SR-LEDW/SR-UL2/SR-
UL1R/SR-3AR, CS-900A sends the following data.
If data is c
orrect, "0x06+(Cr•Lf)" is sent.
If data is wrong, "0x15+(Cr•Lf)" is sent.
When CS-900A
sends "0x15+(Cr•Lf)", the data is sent again. Resending of data is done once for
1 data. If the wrong data is sent twice continuously, "END+(Cr•Lf)" is outputted and the
communication is ended.
Command communication direction
Measuring instrument
Integral time+(Cr
Measurement starts.
• • • • • •
Measurement is ended.
Data communication
Measurement data 1+(Cr•Lf)
When the measurement data 1 is OK
Measurement data 2+(Cr•Lf)
When the measurement data 2 is NG
Measurement data 2+(Cr•Lf) is resent
When the measurement data 2 is OK
When the measurement data 2 is NG
Measurement data 2+(Cr•Lf)