TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
The :CHOose command is used to select the required standard waveform.
Command syntax: SWAVE:CHOose
For example: WrtCmd( “SWAVE:CHO” );
NOTE: 1. This command is available only on <MEAS DISP> page.
2. This command is valid only when sampling test is finished in SEQ CYCLE
mode or ONE CYCLE mode.
8.3.9 FETCh? subsystem commands
The FETCh? subsystem commands are used to output waveform data, comparison results and
including the output voltage, frequency and time measurement result. Figure 8-10 shows the
FETCh? subsystem command tree.
Figure 8-10 FETCh? subsystem command tree
The :SWAVE? query outputs the current standard waveform data.
Query syntax: FETCh:SWAVE?
For example: WrtCmd( “FETC:SWAVE?” );
The :TWAVE? Query outputs the latest tested waveform data.
Query syntax: FETCh:TWAVE?
For example: WrtCmd( “FETC:TWAVE?” );