TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
1 (decimal 49)
When the function is ON
0 (decimal 48)
When the function is OFF
For example: WrtCmd( “COMP:CORO ON” ); turn on the Corona comparator.
Query syntax: COMParator:COROna[:STATe]?
Return format:
The :COROna:RANGe command sets the comparison range of the Corona comparator.
The :COROna:RANGe? query returns the current comparison range of the Corona comparator.
Command syntax: COMParator:COROna:RANGe <start pot>, <end pot>
<start pot> start point of comparison range. NR1 format, range from 0 to 6000, without unit.
<end pot> end point of comparison range. NR1 format, range from 0 to 6000, without unit.
For example: WrtCmd( “COMP:CORO:RANG 100,200 ); set the comparison range from 100 to
NOTE: The end point value should be larger than that of the start point; otherwise an
error message will be displayed on the LCD screen.
Query syntax: COMP:CORO:RANG?
Return format: <start pot>, <end pot><NL^END> start pot, end pot are NR1 format.
The :COROna:DIFFerence command sets the difference limit value of the Corona comparator.
The :COROna:DIFFerence? query returns the current difference limit value of the Corona
Command syntax: COMParator:COROna:DIFFerence <value>
<value> is NR1 format, range from 0 to 999 without unit.
For example: WrtCmd( “COMP:CORO:DIFF 20” ); set the difference value to 20.
Query syntax: COMParator:COROna:DIFFerence?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
The :PHASediff[:STATe] command sets the Phasediff comparator to ON or OFF.
The :PHASediff[:STATe]? query returns the current Phasediff comparator state.
Command syntax: