28. Glue the plywood reinforcement parts
into place on the fuselage
30. Lead the elevator servo cable through
the fuselage and glue the elevator to the
fuselage. Make sure that the elevators
match and are flush with the fairings.
29. Glue the canopy magnet into place on
the fuselage, make sure that it is flush.
Now put the canopy into place, making
sure that the two magnets make contact
and connect. Now lift the canopy, the two
magnets should now sit on top of each
other. Carefully apply CA on the canopy
frame, where the magnet goes. Just a
small amount, you do not want to glue the
two magnets to each other. Now place the
canopy frame in place and let the
assembly fully cure. Done right you will
hear an audible „click“ when you put the
canopy in place later on
Tomahawk Design 89284 Pfaffenhofen GERMANY
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Technische Änderungen vorbehalten Stand 09-2010
Made in Germany
Seite 16