21. Center the clear canopy and temporarily
fix it to the canopy frame using electrical
tape. Glue the canopy to the canopy frame
carefully using very little amounts of CA. CA
tends to fog – be careful not to stain your
clear canopy during this step. If you want to
avoid the risk of tainting your clear canopy
use electrical tape to fix the canopy to the
frame instead.
!ATTENTION! Do not forget to apply paint
and decals before you attach the clear
canopy to the frame
20. Remove the sprue from the end of the
fuselage and glue it to the canopy frame
according to the drawing. Leave the
centering notch in place.
Canopy assembly
19. Install the magent flush to the canopy
frame but do NOT apply glue yet.
Tomahawk Design 89284 Pfaffenhofen GERMANY
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Technische Änderungen vorbehalten Stand 09-2010
Made in Germany
Seite 13