10. Insert the servo leads into the
prepared slots (1). Glue the plywood
reinforcement part (2) with former (3).
(4) Install the blind nut and glue it to the
wood. Once finished glue this assembly to
the center wingsection.
12. Bend the servo linkage according to
the drawings.
31mm equal 1.2 inches, 18mm equal 0.7
inches, 12mm equal 0.5 inches the
number on the right reads 4 degrees.
Elevator assmebly
11. Insert the joint (milled from aluminum)
into the ruder horn (cast part). Loosely
install the set screw.
Tomahawk Design 89284 Pfaffenhofen GERMANY
Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Technische Änderungen vorbehalten Stand 09-2010
Made in Germany
Seite 10