SIF5600 - Manual - 03 - 2008
example: INT [ 1] (INT data type in first position)
LONG[ 2] (LONG data type in second position)
ENUM[ 4] (ENUM data type in position 4)
B32 [ 5] (B32 data type in position 5)
DIM Structure global size (nr. of 16 bit registers)
SYNOPSIS concise collection of message package informations.
It shows the form:
class ... -> ADR=... (NUM=...), DIM=...
4.2 Example
Following example shows an hypotethetical data framing of WREG class number 5 named <Protection>, with
five basic data:
- one INT <Time>
- one LONG <Range>
- one ENUM <Enable>
- one B32 <Selection>
- one B16 <Configuration>
The structure is made up of seven registers.
WREG NUM=5 Description : Protection
INT [ 1] Time (1=10 ms)
1,1000 step 1
LONG[ 2] Range
1000,1000000000 step 1000
ENUM[ 4] Enable
1 ON
B32 [ 5] Selection
bit 0 RELAY1
bit 1 RELAY2
bit 2 RELAY3
bit 3 RELAY4
B16 [ 7] Configuration
bit 0 LED1
bit 1 LED2
bit 2 LED3
Dimension : 7 registers
Synopsis : class WREG -> ADR=4 (NUM=5), DIM=7
Section 5 Communication examples
5.1 Writing WREG message
The objective is to write on the protection Slave with address 33 (21 hex), the WREG structure (NUM=5,
DIM=7) introduced in the preceding section, with the following values:
- Time = 550 0226 hex
- Range = 500885000 1DDAE608 hex
- Enable = ON 0001 hex
- Selection = RELAY4 0000000A hex
- Configuration = LED1+LED2+LED3 0007 hex
WREG writing requires the FUNC=16 (10 hex) ModBus function.
Remember that the structure NUM=5 must be pointed out with ADR=4 in the message, that is with NUM-1.
Request (values in hex format):
21 10 0004 0007 0E 0226 E6081DDA 0001 000A0000 0007 2C C5
Response (values in hex format):
21 10 0004 0007 C7 6A