SIF5600 - Manual - 03 - 2008
6.5 MAINteNANce
the SIF5600 relay does not require any particular maintenance; all the circuits use high quality static
components, the intermediate products are subjected to dynamic and operational testing prior to
being assembled into the complete apparatus. Dedicated circuitry and the firmware dedicated to
self testing continuously monitor relay operation.
the microprocessor is equipped with a circuit known as “watch-dog”, which makes arrangements
to restore correct firmware operation in case of any faults.
the possibility for reading the values of the quantities measured during serial communication (the
SIF5600 relay used as an ammeter) allows the checking of both the system parameters and the
operation of the digital protection relay at any time. the SIF5600 relay may be configured to display
current values with reference to the ct nominal current, or expressed directly in primary amperes
(with the prior setting of the ct nominal current).
In the case of being connected to a central control unit, all the data may be monitored and pro-
cessed, this way performing both checking and continuous maintenance procedures.
6.6 rePAIrS
In the case of any fault, it is not envisaged that repairs of any kind be performed by customers; if,
following anomalous operation, the above described tests should confirm the presence of a fault, it is
necessary to return the relay to the factory for repair and consequential calibration and checking.
6.7 StOrAGe
Storage of the SIF5600 digital protection relay must be in compliance with the required temperature
conditions; the relative humidity must not lead to the formation of condensation or ice.
It is advised to store the equipment in its own packaging; in the case of long term storage, in a special
manner under critical climatic conditions, it is recommended to power-up the equipment for several
hours prior to use, with the aim of bringing the circuitry up to operational condition and stabilising
the operation of the components.