SIF5600 - Manual - 03 - 2008
By means of keyboard commands, terminal block rS485 serial communication or the thySetter soft-
ware, it is possible to view and modify the associations of the various thresholds with the block input
and output circuits, enable the transmission or reception of control impulses, set the backup timers
tB and tF and their state of activation, the Blin1 Pulse control window and Blout Pulse transmission
Binary inputs
two binary inputs with following characteristics are available:
- type:
- acquisition time:
3 ms;
- nominal voltage (range):
24...48 Vr/24...48 V-, 115...230 Vr/110...220V-, coincident with the
nominal auxiliary supply voltage values for the relay;
- voltage range:
19..60 Vr/19..60 V-, 85..265 Vr/75...300 V-, coincident with the useable auxil-
iary supply voltage range of values for the relay;
- maximum absorbed current: 3 mA.
the binary inputs may be used to acquire the status of the breaker if the function is enabled (check
On in the 52 menu); in this case it is necessary to connect the inputs to breaker auxiliary contacts 52b
and 52a. An example of a connection diagram is reported in Appendix A2 to this document.
the test function allows the checking of each 50-51 and 50N-51N protection function threshold by
means of the introduction of a dummy signal, of such a value and duration as to cause the start and/
or tripping of the threshold itself, into the input circuit stages of the relay.
this test does not include checking the system measuring transformers and the relevant connec-
tions to the digital protection relay.
Having activated the test function mode, the threshold relating to the protective function to be
checked and the relevant test method must be selected. the latter may or may not include changing
the status of the output relays assigned as the selected threshold start and /or trip.
For the thresholds relating to protective functions 50 and 51 the dummy signal is applied simultane-
ously over all phases.
In cases involving selection of the test mode without any changes in the status of the output relays
(“blank” testing), upon tripping of the selected threshold, the corresponding LeD is lit and the test
outcome recorded as the most recent event.
In cases involving selection of the test mode with changes in the status of the output relays, at
the start and/or tripping of the selected threshold the corresponding programmed output relay is
switched, the corresponding LeD lit and the outcome recorded as the most recent event.
Activation of the test function, selection of the threshold relating to the protective function to be
checked, the relevant test mode and viewing of the outcome as the most recent recorded event, may
be performed by mans of a serial communication or locally (through the MMI).
Breaker management
through operation of the front panel buttons or frolm a serial command (rS485 or thySetter) it is
possible to perform the intentional opening and closing of the breaker.
For reasons of safety, the local commands (the “OPeN cB” and “cLOSe cB” buttons) are only en-
abled when the key switch is in the “cB MODe” position; intrinsically, it is necessary for the key to
be in the “OFF” position for it to be extracted.
the status of the breaker (open, closed or inconsistent) is acquired by means of two digital inputs
and viewed by means of two LeDs located on the front panel (cB OPeN, cB cLOSeD).
In the case of any breaker anomalies, the state of inconsistency (equal status for open or closed of
both digital inputs) is indicated by both the aforementioned LeDs flashing and possibly with the com-
mand of a relay to indicate the breaker anomaly (“cB fail”).
Breaker opening and closing may be independently programmed on the output relays K1…K4 just as
for the tripping of the protective functions; the factory (default) settings assign the opening command
to relay K2 and the closing command to relay K3 (Setting table reported in Appendix A4) and the local
PW shorted