PM055 Rev 2 00/08/31
Thomson Technology
byte4, byte5
This field contains the system status timer value (in
byte6 (MSB),
byte7, byte8,
This field contains the fault state bitmap. Each bit
contains TRUE if the associated fault is active. The bits
are defined as follows:
Bits 31-29 are unused.
Bit 28 is digital fault 12 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 27 is digital fault 11 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 26 is digital fault 10 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 25 is digital fault 9 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 24 is digital fault 8 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 23 is digital fault 7 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 22 is digital fault 6 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 21 is digital fault 5 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 20 is digital fault 4 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 19 is digital fault 3 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 18 is digital fault 2 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 17 is digital fault 1 (Fault name is programmable).
Bit 16 is low oil pressure 2.
Bit 15 is low oil pressure 1.
Bit 14 is high engine temperature 2.
Bit 13 is high engine temperature 1.
Bit 12 is low engine temperature.
Bit 11 is high battery.
Bit 10 is low battery.
Bit 9 is weak battery.
Bit 8 is over current.
Bit 7 is over frequency.
Bit 6 is under frequency.
Bit 5 is over voltage.
Bit 4 is under voltage.
Bit 3 is loss of speed signal.
Bit 2 is over speed.
Bit 1 is over crank.
Bit 0 is emergency stop.
byte10 ***PAD***
This field contains the EEPROM write count. This value
is incremented each time the configuration information
in the EEPROM is changed. The host uses this value
to determine when the fault details may have changed.
MEC 20 Analog Values
Analog Group 0 Registers are described in more detail below:
Analog Group
0 Data
byte0, byte1
This field contains the analog values bitmap, as follows:
Bit 15 contains TRUE if the engine temperature is in
degrees Celsius, and FALSE if the engine temperature