PM055 Rev 2 00/08/31
Thomson Technology
byte3 This field contains the minor TSC 800 message format version
byte4 This field contains the major software version number.
byte5 This field contains the minor software version number.
TSC 800 Get Summary
This message is used to get the summary information from a TSC 800.
The request message does not have any data bytes. The response
message has the following data bytes:
This field contains the summary bitmap, as follows:
Bit 15 contains TRUE if a callout is required.
Bit 14 contains TRUE if dual prime mode, and FALSE if standard
Bit 13 contains TRUE if Src2 prime, and FALSE if Src1 prime.
Bit 12 contains TRUE if a transfer switch failure has occurred.
Bit 11 is unused in standard mode. This bit contains TRUE if the
Src1 Start output is enabled in dual prime mode.
Bit 10 contains TRUE if the Src2 Start output is enabled.
Bit 9 contains TRUE if the Src1 Pretransfer output is enabled.
Bit 8 contains TRUE if the Src2 Pretransfer output is enabled.
Bit 7 contains TRUE if the Src1 Transfer output is enabled.
Bit 6 contains TRUE if the Src2 Transfer output is enabled.
Bit 5 contains TRUE if the Load On Src1 input is enabled.
Bit 4 contains TRUE if the Load On Src2 input is enabled.
Bits 3-0 are unused.
This field contains the test mode, as follows:
0 = None
1 = Switch offload test
2 = Switch onload test
3 = Switch off
4 = Manual offload test
5 = Manual onload test
6 = Auto offload test
7 = Auto onload test
8-255 = Unused
This field contains the system status, as follows:
0 = Src1 start delay
1 = Src2 start delay
2 = Src1 warmup delay
3 = Src2 warmup delay
4 = Pretransfer delay
5 = Finding neutral
6 = Neutral delay
7 = Transferring
8 = Transfer failed, press lamptest