PM055 Rev 2 00/08/31
Thomson Technology
The remote's receive lines are always enabled. The remote's transmit lines are only
enabled while transmitting.
There is no hardware flow control.
3. Datalink
NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, all fields described in this document contain unsigned
binary data stored in big-endian (most significant byte first) format. Any unused fields
contain zeroes. When describing the fields, FALSE equals zero, and TRUE equals non-
At the Datalink Layer, the host (master) is responsible for polling the CIM's. The host
sends request packets to the remotes, and the remotes respond with response packets.
The CIM acts like a local host (master) to the MEC 20's connected. The CIM takes care
of gathering data from the individual MEC 20's and storing it in a local database. The
communication format describes an interface with the CIM database.