Functional Description
Mass Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific
TSQ Quantum XLS Series User Guide
The Communication LED illuminates yellow when the mass spectrometer and the data
system are trying to establish a communication link. The Communication LED illuminates
green when the Ethernet communication link between the mass spectrometer and the data
system has been made.
The System LED illuminates yellow whenever the mass spectrometer is in standby—that is,
high voltage is not supplied to the ion source, mass analyzer, or ion detection system, but the
mass spectrometer power is on. The System LED illuminates green whenever the high voltage
is enabled and the system is in the On state. High voltage is enabled if the pressure of the
analyzer chamber is below the values listed in
The Scan LED flashes blue whenever the mass spectrometer is on and is scanning ions.
The System Power Off button, located on the front of the electronics module, turns off power
to the mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, and autosampler. See
. To restore
power to the mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, and autosampler, you must use the main
power circuit breaker, located on the back of the electronics module.
Figure 12.
Front panel System Power Off button
The main power circuit breaker switch (labeled Main Power) is located on the power panel at
the back of the electronics module. See
. In the Off (O) position, the circuit breaker
removes all power to the mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, and autosampler. In the
On (|) position, power is supplied to the mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, and
autosampler. In the standard operational mode, the circuit breaker is kept in the On (|)
In an emergency, to shut off all power to the mass spectrometer, gas
chromatograph, and autosampler, press the System Power Off button located at the front
of the instrument.
System Power Off