Maintaining the RF Lens, Exit Lens, MP00 RF Lens, and Lens L0
Reinstalling the API Source Interface
Thermo Scientific
TSQ Altis, Quantis, and Fortis Hardware Manual
3. If a sonicator is not available, do the following:
• To clean the RF lens, use chamois-tipped swabs with a 1% solution of Liquinox in
water. To clean the areas that you cannot reach with the swab, use the 6000 grit
MICRO-MESH polishing swabs.
• To clean the exit lens, use a soft toothbrush with a 1% solution of Liquinox in water.
4. For the exit lens, MP00 RF lens, and lens L0, use the 6000 grit MICRO-MESH
polishing swabs to clean the bore.
5. Rinse the components thoroughly with water.
6. Sonicate the components in water for 10 minutes.
7. Sonicate the components in methanol for 10 minutes.
8. Rinse the components with methanol.
9. Dry the components thoroughly with nitrogen gas.
10. Using a magnifying device, inspect the components for any residual lint or particulates.
To reinstall the RF lens, exit lens, multipole MP00, and lens L0
1. Attach the exit lens to the RF lens, and then reinsert the RF lens into the API source
interface cage (
2. Reassemble the multipole MP00 and lens L0 assembly.
3. Attach the MP00-L0 assembly to the API source interface cage, and then attach lens L0
Reinstalling the API Source Interface
1. Orient the API source interface with the release latch at the top (
2. Carefully insert the API source interface into the vacuum manifold.
3. Reinstall the API source housing.
4. Start up the system as described in
Chapter 10, “Restarting the MS System After a
Inspect the bore of the orifices for the presence of lint or particulates. If present, use
plastic tweezers or a similar tool to remove them.