Thermo Scientific
Product Manual for IonPac AS31 Columns
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
The Dionex IonPac® AS31 2-mm Analytical and IonPac AG31 2mm Guard Columns are
hydroxide-selective anion-exchange columns designed for faster separation of several
environmental ions including haloacetic acids (HAAs), dalapon, and bromate in drinking water.
The Dionex IonPac AS31 column is a low bleed column designed to be used for ion
chromatography separations coupled with Mass Spectrometry (IC/MS), or (IC/MS/MS). It is a
high capacity column, which allows relatively large injection volumes. Water samples can be
directly injected into an ion chromatography system coupled to a mass spectrometer for sensitive
detection. The use of a Dionex IonPac AS31 column for IC-MS and IC-MS/MS eliminates the
need for sample pretreatment and preconcentration that is typically needed to eliminate sample
matrix effects on analyte peak efficiency and resolution such as in HAA determination or other
environmental ions in relatively high matrix samples.
The high capacity and compatibility of this column with mass spectroscopy makes it useful with
Reagent Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC
) systems for several environmental ions. The Dionex
IonPac AS31 is compatible with pH 0-14 eluents and samples. The Dionex IonPac AS31 can be
used with any suppressible ionic eluent that does not exceed the capacity of the suppressor. The
Dionex IonPac AS31 has nominal efficiency of at least 4500 plates/column for bromide using
Quality Assurance test conditions. The maximum operating pressure should be less than 5,000 psi
(34.47 MPa).
Dionex IonPac AS31/Dionex IonPac AG31 Column Packing Specifications
Resin Characteristics:
Nominal Particle Size:
6 µm (Analytical Column*)
Nominal Particle Size:
11 µm (Guard Column**)
Particle Cross-linking:
Ion exchange capacity: 116 µeq per 2 × 250 mm column
1.5 µeq per 2 × 50 mm column
Functional Characteristics:
Functional Group:
Alkanol quaternary ammonium ion
Analytical Column resin composition: supermacroporous ethylvinylbenzene polymer cross-linked with divinylbenzene.
Guard Column resin composition: microporous ethylvinylbenzene polymer cross-linked with divinylbenzene.