Therma-Steem® Model XL1
January 14, 2019
or of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability when this product is put to an
industrial, commercial or rental use. Before using any product, customer shall determine
the suitability of the product to comply with all local and state regulations for its
intended purpose and the customer assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in
connection therewith.
No person including any dealer or representative of THERMA-KLEEN®, Inc. is authorized
to make any representation or warranty concerning THERMA-KLEEN®, Inc. products on
behalf of THERMA-KLEEN®, Inc. or to assume for THERMA-KLEEN®, Inc. the obligations
contained in this warranty. THERMA-KLEEN®, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in
design and other changes and improvements upon its products without imposing any
obligations upon itself to install the same, upon its existing products or products then in
process or manufacture.