Chapter 5: Configuration Items
Software Emulator Mode Configuration
After installing the ProtectToolkit-C Software Development Kit (SDK) on your computer system further
changes, as detailed in this section, may be made to customize the installation and optimize its performance.
Storage Location Assignment
The software only variant of ProtectToolkit-C uses the local file system for storing keys and configuration
information. By default, the directory
is used under Windows and
under Linux. It is possible to use a storage location other than the default location for your system by setting the
value of the ET_PTKC_SW_DATAPATH configuration item to that of the path required.
For example, on a UNIX machine, to temporarily set the location to
the following
shell commands would be used:
# ET_PTKC_SW_DATAPATH=/usr/local/cryptoki
This change can be made at the temporary, user or system levels on both Linux and Windows platforms. Refer
"Configuration Items" on page 87
for further details on how to go about this if required.
Fixing Command Line Utility Low Performance
In software only mode the time taken to detect peripherals, such as attached smart card terminals, can
significantly slow the execution of command line utility commands. If this proves to be an annoyance then
peripheral detection can be disabled by creating the configuration item below and setting its value equal to
This change can be made at the temporary, user or system levels on both Linux and Windows platforms. Refer
"Configuration Items" on page 87
for further details on how to go about this if required.
Enabling Smart Card Access under Linux
When attempting to access a smart card reader while operating in software only mode on Linux, ensure that
the serial port permissions have been set to allow access to the required port. If this is not done, the logged on
user will be unable to see the attached reader.
Specifying the Network Server(s)
By default, the net client will attempt to use the local machine as its server. Default values are:
Server Name =
Server Port =
It is necessary to configure the client to use a different host by using the ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST
configuration item. Several servers may also be specified using this configuration item in which case the
services from each server will be available seamlessly to the client.
You can use hostnames, IPv4 addresses, or IPv6 addresses to specify your network servers.
The full syntax for the ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST configuration item is:
ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST=server1[:port1] [server2[:port2]]
Thales ProtectServer 3 HSM and ProtectToolkit 7 Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-06-30 10:29:48-04:00 Copyright 2009-2021 Thales Group