Accessing the air filter mesh in front of the fans (using the thumbscrew to open the
retaining grille) does not cause a tamper.
To clean the filter:
Twist the knurled knob counter-clockwise until it no longer secures the airflow lattice. The lattice is anchored
at its left end by two tabs, and can be easily pulled off the appliance, once the knurled retaining screw is
With the air filter exposed, it is easy to grasp the mesh with fingers and tug it free. The mesh is flexible and is
held in its cavity only by friction. If it is dusty, handle carefully so as not to dislodge any dirt that could then be
sucked in by the fans.
To clean the filter, either blow it out with compressed air (away from the vicinity of the appliance), or rinse
with water. If using water, ensure that the mesh is dry before reinstalling.
To reinstall the mesh, place it in its cavity in front of the fans, and use fingers or a blunt tool to tuck-in the
Thales ProtectServer 3 HSM and ProtectToolkit 7 Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-06-30 10:29:48-04:00 Copyright 2009-2021 Thales Group