Console port
Connect a serial device to the ProtectServer 3 External to perform initial network configuration via PSESH. Use
port to configure at least one of the network interfaces. Once you have configured an interface,
you can connect the appliance to the network and access PSESH to complete the network configuration.
Appliance configuration
The following network parameters are configured at the appliance level:
Appliance hostname. A hostname is optional, unless you are using DNS.
Ethernet LAN device configuration
The ProtectServer 3 External is equipped with two individually-configurable Ethernet LAN network devices.
You can configure the following network settings for each device:
IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can configure IPv4 addresses using static or DHCP addressing. IPv6 addresses
must be configured as static addresses.
Network gateway. Devices must use a gateway appropriate for the network (IPv4 or IPv6).
Network mask. IPv4 devices must use dotted-quad format (for example, IPv6 devices can
use full or shorthand syntax.
Static network route.
DNS configuration. Although you configure DNS at the device level, the settings you configure for a device
are available to all devices on the appliance if the configured device is connected to the network. To ensure
DNS access, it is recommended that you configure each device. You can configure the following settings:
DNS nameservers
DNS search domains
These settings apply to static network configurations only. If you are using DHCP, the DNS search domains
and DNS nameservers configured on the DHCP server are used.
Network device bonding
Gathering Appliance Network Information
Before you begin, obtain the following information (see your network administrator for most of these items):
HSM Appliance Network Parameters
IP address and subnet mask for each LAN port you want to use (if you are using static IP addressing)
Hostname for the HSM appliance (registered with network DNS)
Thales ProtectServer 3 HSM and ProtectToolkit 7 Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-06-30 10:29:48-04:00 Copyright 2009-2021 Thales Group