High-Level TLK10232 Device Configuration
The GUI and the device settings on the board can be synchronized by initiating all reset signals from the
GUI through the various buttons. If the reset button on the board itself was pressed, the GUI would not
realize that the registers were reset and continue to display the previous register values. Pressing the
Main Board Reset button (
Figure 3
) in the GUI is equivalent to pressing the reset pushbutton on the EVM
board and has the added benefit of resetting the GUI’s register settings to match the hardware default
values applied to the TLK10232 device following a main board reset.method. The
Figure 3. TLK10232 EVM GUI Software Control of TLK10232 I/O Pins and Main Reset
The TLK10232 register settings are configured from the high-level device configuration windows of the
GUI. All of the settings of the TLK10232 can be modified from various portions of this tab broken out and
grouped into individual windows according to their function.
It is recommended to configure the TLK10232 device by starting at the first window in the GUI’s Selection
Window and work down the tree selecting and saving any settings changed to something other than
TLK10232 Dual-Channel XAUI/10GBASE-KR Transceiver with Crosspoint
SLLU181 – June 2013
Evaluation Module (EVM) Graphical Users Interface User’s Guide
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