BER Testing
BER Testing
The BER Testing portion of the GUI can be used after configuring the desired TLK10232 settings and
applying them to the device. When selecting the BER Testing window from the Selection Window tree
Figure 11
), a page is displayed for running BER tests with any of the supported internal test patterns. The
generation and verification enables bits as well as the test patterns must be configured during the initial
device configuration and this window only reads and displays the error counter results. Pressing the Read
Counter button under the SINGLE READ title performs a single read of all the error counters. Note that
the error counters are cleared on read and the first read should be discarded because it contains a value
set prior to the start of the test. Reading an error counter twice initially is always recommended.
A cumulative BER test can be performed by pressing the Run Test button under the AUTO READ title.
This reads all error counters in sequence and continues to read the error counters in a loop until the Stop
button is pressed. Note that the error counters stop being read at the end of the loop when the Stop
button is pressed. If the test does not stop immediately when the Stop button is pressed, wait a short time
to allow for the current loop to complete before the test is allowed to stop.
During the AUTO READ test, the Current Count of error values are displayed for the current read, and any
errors are added to the Cumulative Count. Reset the Cumulative Count at any time by pressing the Reset
Cumulative button under the AUTO READ title.
If bit errors are present, or the user would like to observe how different TX or RX settings affect the bit
error rate, the left portion of the window allows access to all TX and RX parametric settings such as TX
Swing, Pre-emphasis, and RX Equalization. Any adjustment of these controls will cause the GUI to apply
the updated value in almost real time to the device. At the end of every error count read loop the GUI
checks to see if any of the register control settings have been changed and the GUI applies writes the
new values to the TLK10232 device before returning to the error count loop. All low- and high-speed TX
and RX channels and lanes can be selected for control by using the Transmitter Configuration and
Receiver Configuration selection boxes.
The results of the BER tests can be output to the PRBS_PASS LED on the TLK10232 EVM board by use
of the Pin Selection box located at the top right corner of this window.
Figure 11. TLK10232 EVM GUI High-Level BER Testing
TLK10232 Dual-Channel XAUI/10GBASE-KR Transceiver with Crosspoint
SLLU181 – June 2013
Evaluation Module (EVM) Graphical Users Interface User’s Guide
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