High-Speed Link Optimizer Tests
High-Speed Link Optimizer Tests
Once the TLK10232 device registers and settings are applied to the device, switching over to the High
Speed Link Optimizer tab of the GUI provides some enhanced BER optimization tests allowing for quick
evaluation of the health of the channel and what combination of parameter values yields the lowest bit
error rate. This portion of the GUI is more applicable when operating modes that do not implement link
training as part of their initialization sequence.
It is possible to optimize a link that contains two different devices on two different boards as in a real
system and not serial loop back test normally found in a lab test environment. Currently additional testing
and verification of the TLK10232 EVM board and GUI is needed to support the two-board solution for this
feature of the GUI. Look for future revisions of this document for additional information on how to configure
the hardware and software for a two-board setup.
Up to four individual sweeps can be run simultaneously allowing for the entire device to be optimized
concurrently. Each of the four sweep setups has an enable check box in the Set Up tab to enable that
sweep for testing. Not selecting irrelevant sweeps uses fewer PC resources.
Select the No. of Parameters from the selection box; up to 6. Notice that if less than 6 parameters are
selected, the extra parameters are disabled and grayed out. The board number and channel number are
required to ensure the proper board and device’s parameters are swept in the two-board test setup. Once
a parameter is used by a sweep, it is grayed out as an option for additional sweeps.
For each parameter swept, select the board number, channel, and parameter name. The start and stop
values for those parameters are chosen with an associated step size. A step size of 1 sweeps every
value; a step size of 2 sweeps every other value, and so forth. If a non-linear step or alternate order of the
parameter values is desired, the sequence of values can be input in the form of a comma-separated list in
any particular order. Match the syntax of the selected parameter fields in order to ensure the parameter is
set properly. Do not include spaces in the comma-separated list. If a comma-separated list is used, the
Start, Stop, and Step fields are ignored.
Figure 13. TLK10232 EVM GUI High-Speed Link Optimizer Setup
TLK10232 Dual-Channel XAUI/10GBASE-KR Transceiver with Crosspoint
SLLU181 – June 2013
Evaluation Module (EVM) Graphical Users Interface User’s Guide
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