Portable Programmer: Operation
We have mentioned that the Portable programmer is the link between the management
software of the system, which is installed on the computer, and the electronic cylinders, locks
and/or wall readers. With it we can transmit or receive information from the cylinders, locks or
wall readers, and carry out different tasks.
To transmit information to the cylinders or locks, the portable programmer must receive that
information from the computer. Therefore, the first thing to do is transmit the information of the
locking plan of the installation in question to the Portable Programmer. Once we have
transmitted the information we will be able to carry out the tasks which are described later on.
Transmission of data to the Portable Programmer
To transmit the locking plan of the installation to the PP we connect it to the computer with
the RS-232 cable and we switch it on by pressing the ON/OFF key.
From the PP screen of the TS1000 management software of the system we send the locking
plan by clicking on the button "
Send Data to PP
", as shown in the ensuing illustration:
When clicking on the button the software creates a data file which is sent to the Portable
Programmer. The transmission time will depend on the amount of information we are sending.
Send Data to PP