A p p e n d i x B
T e r e x S o u t h D a k o t a , I n c .
Appendix (This Appendix is not part of American National Standard A92.2-2009 - but is included for
information only.)
Construction and electrical workers are subject to certain hazards that cannot be eliminated by mechanical
means and must be controlled by care, common sense and intelligence. Terex South Dakota, Inc. realizes
the importance of safety and strongly recommends that prior to commencing any operation, the employer
make a survey of the conditions of the site to determine the hazards and the kind and number of safeguards
that the employer will install.
The survey should include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Safe access and movement
(a) Work areas
(b) Walkways, runways and passageways
(c) Ladders, stairways and elevators
(d) Protection for floor and roof openings
(e) Illumination
(2) Vehicles
(a) Roads
(1) Turn space
(2) Parking area
(3) Mud areas
(b) Materials storage areas and dump areas
(c) Signs and signals to route vehicles on the job
(d) Maintenance and repairs of vehicles
(3) Utilities and service
(a) Location of temporary buildings
(b) Location and identification of high-voltage lines (identify by signs; move, de-energize or erect barrier
to prevent contact)
(c) Location of sanitary facilities and drinking water
(4) Scheduling work for safety
(a) Providing hard hats, life belts, goggles, work vests and the like on the job
(b) Establishing liaison among contractors to prevent congestion among trades
(c) Providing temporary flooring, safety nets and scaffolding where required
(5) Work Procedures
(a) Space
(b) Equipment such as cranes, hoists, elevators and trucks
(c) Rigging procedures
(d) Personal protective equipment
(6) Tools and equipment
(a) Repair, maintenance and care
(b) Inspection
(c) Supplies of tools for each job
(7) Workers and foremen
(a) Job assignment
(b) Training and supervision