Operator's Manual
First Edition • First Printing
Part No. 216062
Ground Controls
1 Ground Control Power Key Switch:
Turn the key switch to the on position and the
ground controls will operate. Turn the key switch
to the off position to disable the ground controls.
2 Red Emergency Stop button:
Push in red Emergency Stop button to the off
position to stop all functions and turn the engine
off. Twist to pull the red Emergency Stop button
to the on position to operate the machine.
3 Green Engine Start button:
Press the engine start switch to start the engine.
4 Black Hydraulics Enable button:
Press the black hydraulics enable button
simultaneously with any other function to allow
5 Outrigger Out/In Switch:
Move the switch to the left and both outriggers
will extend out. Move the switch to the right
and both outriggers will retract in.
6 Remote E-Stop Indicator:
If a platform E-Stop is pushed in the remote E-
Stop light will be illuminated. No operation will
be allowed until all E-Stops are pulled out to
their run position.
7 Steer Left/Right Switch:
Move the switch to the left and the trailer will
steer to the left. Move the switch to the right
and the trailer will steer to the right
8 Turntable Left/Right Switch:
Move the switch to the left to rotate the
turntable to the left (or clockwise). Move the
switch to the right to rotate the turntable to the
right (or counterclockwise).
9 Tower Tilt Up/Down Switch:
Move the switch to the left to tilt the tower up.
Move the switch to the right to tilt the tower
10 Platform Extend/Retract Switch:
Move the switch to the left to extend the
platform. Move the switch to the right to retract
the platform.
11 Platform Rotate Left/Right Switch:
Move the switch to the left to rotate the platform
to the left (or counterclockwise). Move the
switch to the right to rotate the platform to the
right (or clockwise).
12 Tower Up/Down Switch:
Move the switch to the left to move the tower
up. Move the switch to the right to move the
tower down.
13 Platform Tilt Up/Down Switch:
Move the switch to the left to tilt the platform up.
Move the switch to the right to tilt the platform
14 Scissors Open/Close Switch:
Move the switch to the left and the scissor
stack will raise to open. Move the switch to the
right and the scissor stack will lower to close
15 System Ready Indicator Light:
The system ready light will be illuminated when
all e-stops have been pulled out to the run
position and the batteries are in working
16 Drive Reverse/Forward:
Move the switch to the left and the trailer will
drive in reverse. Move the switch to the right
and the trailer will drive forward.