Operator's Manual
First Edition • First Printing
Part No. 216062
Work Area Safety
Do not use the machine as a crane.
Do not push other objects with the any part of the
Do not contact adjacent structures with the any part
of the machine.
Do not tie the platform, or any other part of the
machine, to adjacent structures.
Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter.
Do not alter or disable machine components that in
any way affect safety and stability.
Do not replace items critical to machine stability
with items of different weight or specification.
Do not modify or alter an any component or
structure of the machine, including welding, without
prior written permission from Terex Hydra
Platforms. Mounting attachments for holding tools
or other materials onto the platform, toeboards or
guard rail system can increase the weight in the
platform and the surface area of the platform or the
Do not place or attach overhanging loads to any
part of this machine.
Do not place ladders or unauthorized scaffolds in
the platform or against any part of this machine.
Do not transport tools and materials unless they are
evenly distributed and can be safely handled by
person(s) in the platform.
Do not use the machine on a moving or mobile
surface or vehicle.
Do not use the controls to free a platform that is
caught, snagged or otherwise prevented from
normal motion by an adjacent structure. All
personnel must be removed from the platform
before attempting to free the platform using the
base controls.
Do not alter or disable the limit switches.
Do not deploy the platform when wind speeds may
exceed 28 mph / 12.5 m/s. If wind speeds exceed
28 mph / 12.5 m/s when the platform is deployed,
exit the platform and fully stow until wind speeds
fall below the allowable limit.
Do not operate the machine in strong or gusty
winds. Do not increase the surface area of the
platform or the load. Increasing the area exposed to
the wind will decrease machine stability.
Use extreme care and slow speeds while driving
the machine in the stowed position across uneven
terrain, debris, unstable or slippery surfaces and
near holes and drop-offs.
Do not drive the machine on or near uneven terrain,
unstable surfaces or other hazardous conditions
with the platform deployed.
> 28 mph
( > 12.5 m/s )
0 - 28 mph
> 28 mph
( > 12.5 m/s )
> 28 mph
( > 12.5 m/s )
(0 - 12.5 m/s)