Operator's Manual
First Edition • First Printing
Part No. 216062
Check the work area for overhead obstructions or
other possible hazards.
Be aware of crushing hazards when grasping the
platform guard rail.
Operators must comply with employer, job site and
governmental rules regarding the use of personal
protective equipment.
Use common sense and planning when operating
the drive system from the ground. Remove the
remote pendant controls from the cabinet and step
away from the machine before driving. Maintain
safe distances between the operator, the machine
and fixed objects.
Crush Hazards
Do not operate controls when personnel are
anywhere on the machine other than the platform,
and then only at their request.
Do not operate the outriggers until the path is clear
of all personnel.
Do not access, or leave, the platform until machine
movement has stopped and all operators have been
notified of your intent.
Stay clear of all rotating or moving parts such as
wheels, turntable, scissor stack, platform etc.
Do not deploy the platform unless the area of
deployment is clear of personnel and obstructions.
Limit travel according to the condition of the ground
surface, congestion, slope, location of personnel,
and any other factors which may cause collision.
Do not operate the machine in the path of any
crane unless the controls of the crane have been
locked out and/or precautions have been taken to
prevent any potential collision.
No stunt driving or horseplay while operating a
Work Area Safety